Friday, November 28, 2008

a very fun thanksgiving!

this thanksgiving is definately my favorite out of all that ive experianced so far! for actual thanksgiving dinner, i went over to my aunt's house and had the BEST turkey everrrr!!!! it was juicy and DELICIOUS!!! but before we even got to eat it, i spent some time talking with my cousins chris and ryan. its been a while since ive talked to either of them, especially chris, so it was good to see him again. i guess you could say it was kind of akward at first, the three of us just sat on the couch waiting for the "dinner bell" to ring. but chris decided that he was a bit too hungry to wait, so he stole a piece of corn bread and split it with ryan (but u didnt hear it from me). actually it was kind of ridiculous how obvious it was that he stole the bread. he just stood up, walked over and picked up the piece, all without any of the adults was prettymuch a thanksgiving day miracle. anyway, after we stuffed ourselves beyond belief, the three of us went upstairs and played some SUPER NINTENDO!!!! we played super mario and it was SOOO MUCH FUN!!!!
the next day, i drove me and my mom and my grandma to jennifer and reed's new house. we had a SECOND thanksgiving day dinner!!!!! WOOO HOOOO!!!!!! it was amaaaazzzzziiiiiinnnggg!!!!!!! after dinner, me and jayden and emma and elysse all went on a short little walk down the street, then we came back and indulged in some dessert!!! then, when i was upstairs typing this, i hear my mom start yelling from downstairs about how the kids plotted against her then jumped on her. (HHHHHAAAAAAA HHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!) i understand that it hurt her but it was SO FUNNY that they totally plotted against her before they even did it. hayden was whispering to emma, egging her on to jump on her, and once she finally did it, she got yelled at then started crying...sad, but it was REALLY FUNNY!!! (sorry mom...)
good times =]

1 comment: said...

I'm sure Hayden had something to do with the jumping on Aunt Donna thing! :( Maybe even the ring leader! Who knows?!
That was a fun 16 hours though!